Checkout or add more course/s for yourself or another student.
A102 Complete Beginner
This class is for false beginners. Upon completion of the A102 level, you should be able to:
- Pinpoint a place on a map
- Talk about a mode of transportation
- Ask question to get acquainted with someone during a trip
- Talk about a type of accommodation
- Exchange information about a type of accommodation
- Talk about your family
- Describe someone
- Talk about your likes and dislikes
- Talk about your job, passions and dreams
- Talk about your hobbies
- Explain a health issue
Prerequisite: A101 or placement test.
Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 2 (lessons 3 to 6) + dossier 3 (p.42-71)
Pace: Standard 9-week
A103 Complete Beginner
This class is for false beginners. Upon completion of the A103 Level, you should be able to:
- Express time and schedule
- Talk about your daily routine
- Tell about your routine at work
- Get information to go out
- Offer someone to go out and accept or refuse such an invitation
- Tell about past events
- Talk about recent experiences and projects
- Understand a biography
- Describe someone physically
Prerequisite: A102 or placement test.
Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 4 + dossier 5 (lessons 1 to 4) (p.71-99)
Pace: Standard 9-week
A201 Elementary
Upon completion of the A201 level, you should be able to:
- Speak about past and current events
- Give advice
- Understand a trip program
- Choose a destination and a travel plan
- Describe a city and a place
- Describe an accommodation option
- Talk about the seasons and the climate
- Express feelings and sensations
- Understand a menu and give your opinion
- Interact at the grocery store
Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 5 (lessons 5 and 6) + dossier 6 + dossier 7 (lessons 1 and 2) (p.100-131)
Pace: Standard 9-week
A202 Elementary
Upon completion of the A202 level, you should be able to:
- Compare reading practices
- Talk about an evolution (before/now)
- Interact in a clothing store
- Give a positive or negative opinion
- Talk about your learning experience
- Describe a restaurant and order food
- Choose a costume
- Qualify an object or a person
- Recommend a movie or a show
- Organize a party
Prerequisite: A103 or placement test.
Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 7 (lessons 3 to 6) + dossier 8 (p.132-161)
Pace: Standard 9-week
A203 Elementary
Upon completion of the A203 level, you should be able to:
- Compare trip programs
- Deal with some administrative papers
- Prepare a travel plan
- Ask information about an accommodation
- Describe a place
- Give precisions on a place
- Tell about a cultural experience
- Understand advice and safety measures
Prerequisite: A202 or placement test.
Material used: Cosmopolite 2, dossier 1 + dossier 2 (lessons 1 and 2) (p.10-33)
Pace: Standard 9-week
Interaction Orale A2-B1
Through presentations, debates and interactive exercises based on the participants' interests, put your language skills into oral practice.
Pace: Standard 9-week
B102 Independent
A la fin du niveau B102, vous serez capable de :
- Formuler une critique et proposer des solutions
- Demander et donner un avis
- Parler de fais d’actualité
- Comprendre des informations dans la presse
- Réagir et donner des précisions
- Faire des suggestions
- Exprimer des souhaits et des espoirs
- Parler de l’actualité littéraire
Prérequis : B101 ou test de placement.
Matériel utilisé : Cosmopolite 2, dossier 7 (leçons 5 to 6) + dossier 8 (p.128-153)
Pace: Standard 9-week
B106 Independent
A la fin du niveau B106, vous serez capable de :
- Valoriser votre expérience professionnelle
- Comprendre un métier
- Décrire le début de sa journée de travail
- Analyser la une d’un magazine
- Comparer les médias traditionnels et les médias
- Relater un évènement
- Structurer un article de presse
- Rapporter des faits passés
- Repérer et analyser des fausses nouvelles
- Expliquer et argumenter
Prérequis : B105 ou test de placement.
Matériel utilisé : Cosmopolite 3, dossier 5 (leçons 3 et 4) + dossier 6 (p.90-117)
Pace: Standard 9-week
French Conversation B1
Improve your speaking skills and expand your vocabulary through lively interactions. Join this Conversation class to better communicate
in French.
- Enrich your vocabulary exploring current news in French
- Develop your ability to speak
- Become more comfortable in conversations
Pace: Special
Interaction Orale A2-B1
Through presentations, debates and interactive exercises based on the participants' interests, put your language skills into oral practice.
Pace: Standard 9-week
B206 Advanced
A la fin du niveau B206, vous serez capable de :
- Dénoncer un problème de société
- Proposer des solutions
- Comparer des pratiques professionnelles
- Présenter des parcours et d'expliquer des choix de vie
- Identifier et de décrire des compétences professionnelles
- Communiquer en contexte professionnel
- Comprendre un métier et un environnement professionnel
- Exprimer un point de vue argumenté sur une question liée au travail
Prérequis : B205 ou test de placement.
Matériel utilisé : Cosmopolite 4, dossier 6 (leçon 4) + dossier 7
Pace: Standard 9-week
Interaction Orale B2-C1
Through presentations, debates and interactive exercises based on the participants' interests, put your language skills into oral practice.
Pace: Standard 9-week
Maintien des Acquis B2-C1 Evening
Maintain your written and oral skills with interactive presentations and projects. New, real-world themes and objectives every session.
Pace: Standard 9-week